
Vojtěch Veškrna is a Prague-based photographer & artist renowned for his work in documentary, portrait, and editorial photography. He holds BA in advertising photography from Thomas Bata University in Zlin and MA in documentary photography from Film and Tv School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU). He then spent three years working with the documentary team Sputnik Photos in Warsaw and assisting to artist and Magnum Photos member Rafal Milach. Throughout his career, his photographs have appeared in Die Zeit, Cosmopolitan, Esquire or Harper’s Bazaar, alongside his work with artists, architects, designers, and various commercial brands.

Vojtěch Veškrna’s work has received recognition through multiple awards. In 2021 he was honored with the Czech Grand Design Photographer of the Year award. His photobook “My Air Force” was named the Best East European Photobook in 2016, shortlisted for The Anamorphosis Prize and is featured in the permanent library collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. In 2013, Veškrna won the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Photo Award. His work has been showcased in several group and solo exhibitions including Centre de photographie in Rouen, France, Hackney WickED festival in London, UK, or the “Riga Photomonth – Self Publish Riga” festival in Riga, Latvia.

Here are some thoughts about Vojtech by Federico Clavarino on Der Greif Online

“When I speak of poetry I am not thinking of it as a genre. Poetry is an awareness of the world, a particular way of relating to reality. So poetry becomes a philosophy to guide a man throughout his life.”

Andrei Tarkovsky